
Hello English teachers!

Today we are going to work on writing skills. In this post, I want to provide a fun resource for our ESL English Classrooms. 

The activity is called  Run dictation. I'm sure that most of you know about it. But I would like to present a different one in which instead of using text, we are going to use images. Let's explain it a little more in detail for those who don't know it. Run dictation is a fun game in which you work speaking, reading, and writing, but in our case only speaking and writing because of the lack of text. Even though it's a very complete work in terms of skills, we are going to focus on writing. Students will work in pairs: the runner dictator and the secretary. The runner will run and memorize the images that he/she will see on the paper on the wall. Then, he/she will run back and dictate correctly to the secretary. All the students must be dictators and secretaries, so the papers will change when they will finish the dictate and they will work with another one.

This could be adapted for all levels and ages because it depends on the difficulty of the text or images of the dictate.

At the bottom of the page, I provide you a link with an example of an islcollective webpage.

I hope you enjoy it with your students!

See you soon!


  1. Good morning, Georgina.
    Your blog is so interesting because it has one innovative material for improve our student’s skill in a different an interesting way. That’s what happen with writing proposal, which give a new vision of activities to practice it.
    In my classes I use some templates like yours for doing grouped dictations to review spelling, pronunciation and writing of different phonemes or words that could be complicated for my students.
    I think that nowadays we must implant this type of materials for transforming EFL classes into an opportunity to improve communication with foreign people and to having a real experience of learning.
    Lucía Gualix

    1. Hello Lucia! Thank you for your comments. I agree with your about the importance of using innovate material in our classes. As you said, it's important to transform and change the vision of the English classroom as an opportunity to use and practice English.
