
Hello teachers!

Today's post is about an activity to improve speaking skills. This activity has been designed by students in the 5th grade of Primary education. 

The aims are:

- Understand that in English there are some silent letters.

- Recognise words that have some silent letters.

The teacher will present to students different illustrations that refer to a concept that has a silent letter. For example images of a knife, a ghost, a knee, or the number two. Using these images and pronouncing the different concepts, students could see that different words' pronunciations have silent letters. The most important is that students speak and improve their pronunciation in the English Language being in mind different speaking rules So, we are going to work on the pronunciation of words with this rule and all together will find the rule of silent letters:

In English, silent words mean that some letters are not pronounced it.

Working more deeper on this concept students are going to play a game on the British Council webpage. Teachers, my advice on this game is only to play the first one, because they need to listen, repeat, and found the correct work. So, here you have the link. 


Let's learn a lot together!

Thank you for coming and sharing my different resources!

See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hello fellow student! I find this specific activity very interesting because, pronuntation is not one of the strongest points for spanish people (in my experience), just because they do not usually teach it at school so to practice this using clear images and conceps I think it could be very helpful.
